1st Gentlemen’s Run


Here, then, is a profile of the 1st Gentlemen’s Run in Zurich. A Saturday afternoon replete with good style, whimsical ideas, genuine gentlemen and a sprinkling of charming ladies pedalling alongside. So, in chronological order:


This chap defines the meaning of style in Zurich – his tongue occasionally firmly placed in his cheek:

it’s none other than Neue Zürcher Zeitung columnist and Radio DRS 3 style guru Jeroen van Rooijen.

How many quality papers bother to help gentlemen cultivate good taste? Very few!

Reason enough to produce a magazine for men – the Gentlemen’s Report.

The modern gentleman of today has recourse to any one of many modes of transport, which provided the theme for the magazine’s second edition. A stylish jaunt through autumnal Zurich.

The meeting point was the National Swiss Museum; the first gentlemen to arrive discussed the route, watches, and admired Klaus B. Zimmermann’s wonderful original Gigolo bicycle.

No. 11 Siegfried Weigerstorfer in full regalia. Behind him, a two-seater Fretsche creation complete with lady for the social dimension.

MIH Watch designer Christian Gafner, Theater am Neumarkt stylist Hans Manz, style blogger Lea Montini and Swiss Television’s Nina Brunner, presenter of Kulturplatz.

Hand-finished Ilmia sneakers ready for the off…

Bizarre shapes from a parallel universe…

Promoter of Bakfiets transport bikes in Switzerland: it’s none other than the ochs und junior cartoonist and designer, Sjoerd van Rooijen. He used his motorised (electric, of course) Bakfiets to ferry magazines – and the photographer – about.

No. 97 Samuel Zekarias, decked out in blue finery.

More than 50 elegant gentlemen and a number of equally chic ladies set off on their somewhat alternative way around Zurich.

The definition of good style on the Platzspitzareal behind the National Swiss Museum…

Magazine distribution for stylish spectators, stylishly transported…

The epitome of Italian elegance, an ochs und junior due ore tinta on the wrist.

Fretsche cycle maker Thomas Neeser adopted a particularly relaxed pedalling style on his mount, with its long wheelbase, spectacular lines and integrated electric motor. A chicly sustainable rocket on wheels.

Sandro Carbone und Fabrizio Rulli make their way towards the Mobimo Tower…

A green ladies’ bike pedalled by a gentleman – Roger Leuenberger’s no. 53…

The Fretsche pauses for thought by the viaduct…

Weinmann brakes, an almost forgotten classic…

Alberto Morel, no. 4, leading the pack parallel to Langstrasse…

Is this gentleman dreaming of a watch?

Encounters took place with people such as this Zurich architect, who seized the chance to try an ochs und junior on his wrist…

Jean-Pierre Krause, no. 86, upright and perfectly attired…

Distributing the magazine and promoting ochs und junior: the Gentlemen’s Report profiling our watch company is titled Es Geht AUCH EINFACH (roughly translated as ‘simplicity is also a solution’).

Lovely feminine legs: superb pacemakers for a line of gentlemen…

The cyclists looked on in amazement and were looked at with amazement…

From Seefeld on towards Bellevue…

…snapped by Alexis Saile one his Indiana board…

Short trousers and long socks are allowed these days – and no lederhosen or beer in sight…

Time for the judging! The jury shortlisted these seven gentlemen and their bicycles.

Around 150 guests made up of cyclists, ladies and other gentlemen applauded the worthy winner of an ochs und junior watch: Patrick Zeller.

Easy-going, whimsical – he won the public over with his clothing sense. His Strassenwild cycle creation was the most eye-catching of the afternoon.

Patrick is about to start his studies in architecture with Mario Botha in Mendrisio. He worked as a bicycle courier for two years, which inspired the topic of his entrance examination assignment: transforming a traditional bike from the 1960s…

… into the one-off work, whose name is roughly translated as “wild street beast”. Patrik created the beast at a bike-building course led by Thomas Neeser. The drawings are taken from his assignment.

This gentleman, only 19 years of age, demonstrated inspiration, creativity and originality, which makes him ideal as a wearer of an ochs und junior wristwatch. It’s people like that that make the world a better place!

Well done, Patrick – here’s wishing you years of enjoyment with your new watch!