Last-minute preparations on Lake Walen for the big journey! Initial trial wearing of the ochs und junior selene. And our trading name on the rear of the board! Thomas asked us whether we wanted to appear on his board. ochs und junior doesn’t advertise as such – but Thomas’s venture is so unusual that we thought we should be part of it. What you see above is the only ochs und junior sticker in the world… 😉
Thomas is having to stow around 50 kg of luggage in two waterproof packs on his board. The tent is ultralight, as is the sleeping bag. Ahead of him, five months of wild camping!
The moonphase selene will help keep his motivation up! Our watchmaker Lukas is spending the last week testing it for watertightness by warming it up then plunging it into cold water. This particular watch is one of only three currently in existence (Ludwig and I are wearing the other two). Thomas’s trip will be the ultimate test for our mathematical wonder. The small number of parts used for the moonphase complication should ensure that there aren’t any hiccups… We’ll be blogging about Thomas Oschwald’s exploits during the course of his marathon trip.
Thomas will be leaving Elm on Saturday and spending the night at the campsite in Weesen on Lake Walen. He’ll then set off on his epic journey on Sunday.
Anyone living on Lake Zurich should look out for him and shout out encouragements!!
He should be spending the first evening at the Wollishofen campsite near Zurich should you wish to pop by and join us as we wish him well.
Sunday evening looks like being very warm (24 Celsius), maybe with a shower or two. But that won’t stop Thomas! Just wait for the Atlantic storms…
Check out the ochs und junior Facebook page for last-minute news about Sunday evening’s arrangements!