The poetry of a display


Sunday is at the very top! I rang Ludwig Oechslin today to find out what weekday he had chosen as occupying the top aperture of the weekday display. For me, it’s Sunday…!

An artist’s work can always be interpreted on a personal level. It’s no different for the anno cinquanta’s display system, which, being shorn of any alphanumeric characters, frees the owner’s mind and allows him to personalise the way he assigns his days. During the day, from 6 in the morning to 6 in the evening, a single orange dot indicates the weekday. Come the evening, a second orange dot appears. That’s the point at which the weekday display assumes its day/night display function… Ludwig thought this up as an intuitively poetic and playful means of communication…

To make sure it works the way we want it to, Paul is currently modifying a small part on the hour tube. He is now making two switching tabs instead of one, as a result of which we’ll be able to reconcile the weekday and date changes…

The poetry of a display, the art of thinking up new functions… It’s all work. We’re at it, day in, day out… And we’re on schedule…